In today’s fast-paced landscape, a commitment to continuous learning is a must for every organisation, which is why learning and development (L&D) has become a core pillar of growth and innovation.  

Phuel, a pioneer in unlocking the potential of teams and individuals, has been at the forefront of this transformative journey for more than 26 years. Here, we talk to Phuel’s General Manager, Amanda Hall, about how to amplify L&D outcomes, bolstering both individual and organisational ROI. 


#1 Start with your destination in mind  

Amanda highlights that before you start designing any learning experience, it’s important to know what change you want to drive.  

“Being clear on your desired outcome is pivotal to success,” she says. “Document the capability shift, behavioural change or cultural shifts you want to see, and keep this in mind as you plan out your initiative. What part does each experience or module play in the journey to your destination?”  

Amanda says doing so will keep you on track and ensure you are always aligned with your goals.  


#2 Be clear on how you will measure success 

Amanda explains that there are a number of ways to measure success that go beyond the standard end-of-program feedback survey.  

“While your standard feedback surveys certainly have their place, there are other important ways to measure feedback. We recommend implementing both qualitative and quantitative evaluation measures to ensure we understand all elements of the development program. Live feedback during a program is a great way to make sure you keep the program on track or you know when something isn’t quite hitting the mark, turning learning into a live dialogue that maximises the time you have in the room.”    

Post-program evaluation from facilitators always uncovers a wealth of insights.   

“Here at Phuel, we do an in-depth report that includes what our team has observed from across the cohort. The program might be about capability development, for example, but an observation might uncover a cultural roadblock that is impacting success.”   

We also recommend considering a learning project for selected programs to demonstrate application of learning.   

“Project work isn’t the right approach in every scenario, but it works particularly well for capability uplift. When participants work on a real project, you see the progress in real time, and it can lead to additional ROI.” 

Amanda points to a Phuel leadership program for a large waste management company that culminated in cross-functional teams sharing recommendations on solutions for live challenges.   

“Leaders applied their learning by presenting strategic recommendations to the executive. A number of their recommendations were put into action, resulting in savings of hundreds of thousands of dollars.”  

Amanda highlights that measurement should take place over time. “In-program feedback, end-of-program insights and immediate outcomes from project work (where applicable) is a given. It is also important to ensure sustainability over time with further post the learning program.”  

Depending on the depth of the initiative, Amanda says measuring at 3, 6, 12 and 24 months can provide further data and analysis of overall results.  


#3 Have a plan to transfer and embed learning 

“A single learning experience won’t drive sustainable and enduring change,” Amanda explains. “So, it’s important to consider how you will embed the learning during the program and at completion.”  

Amanda says there are several ways to embed learning, and it’s important to use a combination.  

“It’s essential that participants are given an opportunity to apply learning in their day-to-day role. This could be about structured opportunities, such as presenting recommendations to other team members, or integrated opportunities, such as ensuring they work on tasks that develop and extend the skills they have learnt.”   


#4 Consider the role of coaching 

Amanda adds that coaching can be a fantastic vehicle to aid learning transfer, whether external or through internal mentorship structures.  

“While it is an additional resource and time investment, coaching can be beneficial, particularly at those higher leadership levels. It’s not just about the support and mentorship of an experienced coach, which in itself delivers a lot of value. It’s about dedicating time and space on a regular basis to focus on that growth and maintain momentum.”   


#5 Engage line managers in the process  

Amanda explains that the best learning outcomes are achieved when the culture supports it at all levels.    

“When engagement happens at the organisational and participant level only, it misses what can be the most important layer – the line managers. If a line manager isn’t engaged in the process, isn’t supporting it, using shared language, providing opportunities for growth on a daily basis, at an operational level, then outcomes are impacted.”  

She points to a recent experience where participants came from across teams and functions.  

“The different levels of support participants had was almost tangible. Some were wholly committed and engaged. Others had to keep leaving the room to take calls from their managers, respond to emails and participate in the day-to-day activities, so the difference in management priorities was readily visible.  

‘And that difference will have an impact on how each participant applies and grows from their learning, and, ultimately, the results the business achieves from its investment.” 

Line managers are the ones who are going to be supporting growth and development on a daily basis, so Amanda says it’s critical to engage them.   

“Phuel will recommend a leadership briefing for those who will need to support learning. Giving them a high-level understanding of what their team members will be learning, how they can support it and what’s in it for them in terms of positive change is an important step.” 


Interested in boosting your learning outcomes? Phuel works with organisations across a wide range of sectors to unlock potential and inspire change, focused on driving enduring change. Reach out at or call the team on 1300 103 882.