Facilitator, father, storyteller. When I’m not in front of the room at work, I’m in front of my laptop at home. Busily creating my next thriller novel. I came across my passions of writing and facilitating quite by accident – I didn’t seek out either yet am very fortunate to be able to spend time doing both. My journey has allowed me to work some amazing people in some amazing places, from working with small teams in Brisbane to building capability in places like Mozambique and Mexico.
I love energising people and provoking connection, change and creativity. I genuinely believe that things can be better; from the way companies engage their people, the way leaders lead, the way teams solve problems, to the way people interact with each other. I get a kick out of seeing people’s light bulbs ablaze, a twinkle in their eye, a smile on their face, and a nod of the head to show they get it.