Understand the business imperative and engage key stakeholders to make change projects as smooth as possible. ExperienceChange™ simulates a year-in-the-life of a team leading change. Discover how to leverage world’s best practice change models to align people and priorities.

EXPERIENCECHANGE™ | Experience Change Management

Experience Change Management


Ensuring people are on the same page in regards to change initiatives is vital. Organisations that are good at change are able to quickly align people around new ways of doing things in response to opportunities or threats. Those that master it build resilience and an enduring competitive advantage.


ExperienceChange™ is an expert-guided change management simulation that teaches a best-practice model for successfully navigating change. Participants experience a 1.5 year change journey in the space of 4 hours endeavouring to maintain high buy-in levels from all relevant stakeholders. The computer based simulation responds instantly with feedback that mirrors the impact of real-world decisions. You’ll immediately see the financial and relational impact of making difficult but necessary decisions like whether or not to sell the CEO’s expensive art collection or instal another suggestion box!


  • Better meet organisational needs and operational efficiencies.
  • Integrate change best practice into your work culture.
  • Learn which activities foster change awareness and desire.
  • Become aware of unproductive habits and foster better replacement behaviours.
  • Apply new strategies to embed change knowledge and ability.

The fun and interactive nature of ExperienceChange enabled people to more readily embrace the complexities of change. Change is good!

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